Mailbox Monday (started at The Printed Page and now a traveling meme) is at Unabridged Chick this month and is the gathering place for readers to share the
books that came into their house last
week (checked out library books don’t count,
eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
Brrrrrrr! It's another cold day. With the wind chill it's -14! Last week it was in the 40s for a few days so it's not too bad if it doesn't stay this way. It's great weather to curl up by the fireplace and read. I hope you are warm and cozy and enjoying some great books at your house.
(On a very happy note we finally heard test results for our grandson, Monkey Boy. His EEG came back normal! Hopefully the seizure was just from the fever. )
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
Bought used from library sale shelf (paperback - I must be the only person who hasn't read this series - yet.)
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson
Bought used from library sale (paperback)
I'll Take What She Has by Samantha Wilde
For review from LibraryThing Early Reviewers (paperback)
How to Lose a Demon in 10 Days by Saranna DeWylde
Free from Barnes & Noble (ebook)
Sofa Boy by Scott Langteau
Free from B&N (ebook)
The Question by Scott Langeau
Free from B&N (ebook)
The Someone Was Psychic Weekly Link Round-up
9 hours ago