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At Home with Books.
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The last two weeks I've shared photos from my local public library (
interior) and I need one more week to finish. There were just too many photos and I wanted to share the beautiful details with you. I know these photos don't show all the books on the shelves but I promise you there are plenty. I was focusing more on the other elements of the rooms.
The second floor and other select areas are now off limits to the public except for tours. I joined one several years ago but really need to do it again. There is a small apartment that used to be the living quarters for the head librarian, a study room, access to the cupola, backstage corridors and dressing rooms for the auditorium and other fascinating areas. I couldn't believe how many rooms there were!
It wouldn't be so much fun to visit if we didn't have an amazing staff. The head librarian is a dedicated young man who works hard to keep the charm of the original design while constantly finding new ways to improve the form and function of the whole library. The head librarian in the children's section is a wonderful woman who is creative, fun and kind. The other librarians are always helpful and friendly and the grounds crew does an impeccable job keeping the entire place looking terrific. I've met some grumpy, scary librarians in my day but you won't find them here! Thanks for your patience as I've shared my library with you.
Picture Book Room with small scale Windsor chairs and other furniture. Notice the wooden carvings of characters on top of tallest bookshelves and framed prints on the walls of famous storybook scenes. |
This room also features a fireplace and hosts Story Hour for preschoolers, along with other activities. |
My kids spent many hours in these little chairs! |
The Children's Room is always bustling! Kids can find a cozy chair to read in or use the computer area for work and play. |
The walls are still the original shade of Japanese Rose. This room includes a fireplace faced with marble, built-in bookcases and paneled walls. |
The chandeliers were custom-made and imported from Holland. Details show silhouettes of storybook characters. |
Local History Room has beautiful built in display cases, another
fireplace with marble facing and wood paneling, Doric columns, comfy
chairs and a large table for meetings or workspace. |
Some of the display cases for rare books and other items. The Beatrix Potter collection is on the right. |
Originally used for a meeting space, this room was converted in 1991 to hold the large print and audio books. Notice the beautiful wood trim in even this small room. |
This is the remodeled, 301-seat auditorium that is used all year for various community and private functions. No lights were on so I couldn't get the best photo to show off it's beauty but I still wanted to include it. |
Here are a few last shots of the gorgeous back terrace. This was originally a water fountain but is now used for flowers. The cupola is so striking against the brilliant blue sky. |
Another angle showing off the charming lights, stonework and flowers. It's hard to believe that this terrace was unused for 40 years and piled under dirt and debris! We are so fortunate that it was lovingly restored. |