I love books, I really do. I have them all over my house. Before I started blogging I was always picking up a book here and there from used book sales. My public library has a small bookcase that is stocked with used books that they sell. Although they have a huge sale every summer I know I can go to those shelves any time throughout the year and possibly find some goodies.
I keep my own books all neat and tidy in my bedroom on a wooden bookcase that had previously belonged to my children. When they outgrew it I packed up their books and filled it with mine. (Note to shelf – remove those old Pokemon stickers) When that was full I put some on the shelf in my nightstand next to my library books, and then piled more next to the nightstand and then piled more next to that pile.
Now that I get books to review my own books seem to get neglected. I don’t get to those or my library books as often as I would like. With more books I’ve needed more space. We have floor to ceiling shelves in our family room that contain special books – reference books, sets of books we bought the kids (Time Life, etc.), cookbooks, the family bible. When a friend was moving he gave my mom a set of wooden shelves and she gave one of them to me. I put them next to our fireplace and that was a lifesaver! Of course I filled that baby right up. There is a method to my madness. I keep the books to be reviewed on the closest shelf and they are in order of how they arrived. Books that are autographed are on the top shelf and books that I plan to review but aren’t committed to are two rows deep on the other shelves. I also have a row of books that I’m reading (kind of) on our big, square coffee table. And sometimes there’s a few under it too… To everyone else it just looks like I have books piled everywhere but I really do have a system. Really.
So I was just wondering, where do you keep your books and how do you organize them? Do you have shelves, boxes, bins, baskets or something else to contain them in? Please tell me you have books piled up somewhere too! I can’t be the only one who has them in every room of the house…