I'm so fascinated by all the amazing blogs out there and how much everyone accomplishes! So many of you mention that you have full time jobs, are students, are parents, have more than one blog, are busy in your communities...the list goes on and on. Yet, you do so much on your blogs! How do you do it?? It feels like I'm flying by the seat of my pants most of the time. I do have some patterns that I seem to follow. I check email and blog activity in the morning, sometimes do some work in the afternoon, but seem to get the bulk of my stuff done in the evening. Other than that I don't have a real work schedule. I'm also most comfy using my laptop from the couch because my back bothers me too much if I'm in a chair for a long time.
What works for you? Do you have a strict regimen for blogging? Do you allot a specific amount of time for reading? I never seem to have enough time for both, yet I see some people read a book a day and add a post or two as well! I've also heard many mention that they have a weekly schedule and assign different days for different things like writing reviews, visiting other blogs, memes, etc. I'm not that organized and don't always know what else will be going on in my life each day. Please tell me how you accomplish so much! I'm dying to know.
Yeah, I would like to know too. It seems the hours fly by and I don't get too much accomplished. I don't work and I certainly don't put a lot of that time into housekeeping. A necessary evil but I'm no perfectionist. Not at this stage of the game anyway.
ReplyDeleteHopefully some of these superwomen or supermen will enlighten us, Debbie. Good "wondering" this week!
I think almost all of us are scrambling and flying by the seat of our pants. I wish I had a magic formula to share with you.
ReplyDeleteI don't work, our kids are grown and gone, but I am helping to care for my brother who lives nearby in the final stages of cancer. I check blogs in am and pm and read about 4 hours a day most days. In between, laundry, ironing, cooking (not much of those though). The days just fly by. If I worked full-time I don't see how I could blog and read too, so blogging would have to suffer.
ReplyDeleteI only work part time and my kids are teenagers well almost. I read blogs in the morning before work and in the afternoon, but I'm around at home so much I check in the evenings if the mood strikes me. I could read a lot more books if I spent my home time reading but I end up doing other stuff half the time so I don't read nearly as much as I could.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel. I have two things I do. One I have created a Calendar for myself which I update and edit every day. It has my personal reads/review, Giveaways, Author Interviews, when I pick winners. I am an organization freak. And I like everything color coded. What can I say, it looks pretty. Then I have an excel file with all the reads I need to do, mine, from publishers from the authors and they projected dates of post or the date I commited to. Send me an e-mail and I will be happy to send you a template
I work part-time and have three young boys, so I would say that my reading and blogging schedule depends on them! I read on my school bus (when waiting for kids) or at night when I'm relaxing with my hubby, and I try to blog shortly after I've finished the book so that I can accurately review it (if I leave it too long, I find that my reviews are less concise). I blog when I can, and try not to take on too much challenge-wise because above all I get JOY from reading and blogging and don't want to ruin that by putting pressure on myself to keep to a set schedule. I also participate in two fun weekly meme's, but that's about it!
my routine is a bit disjointed. I try to read blogs and tweet during my breaks and lulls at work.
ReplyDeletereading blogs and commenting, always seems to be last on the list at home because I'm reading or reviewing. Its a busy life, but someone has to do it.
Then i foolishly added doing nanowrimo this year.
I don't really have a schedule. I just seem to squeeze it in whenever I can.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely flying by the seat of my pants! I don't have a schedule but I would like to be more organized. I do work full-time, the commute is between 45 minutes to an hour each way depending on traffic; I live with my sister and her 2 young kids. Also, I don't have my own computer right now. There's one at home that we all compete for. Sometimes I get to the office early or stay late or even go in on the weekend just to use the computer. Hopefully, Santa will bring me a laptop this year!
ReplyDeleteOne thing I have found that helps is that I will often "set up a post" with the picture of the book and descriptions from the publisher, but not write my review at that time. Sometimes I'm more into the cutting and pasting aspect of things. Other times I feel more like writing. I'm not a fast reade, so I just do what I can . . .
I wish someone would tell me their secret. I work full time and have a two year old that doesn't like me reading or on the computer when she's home awake. So I have about 2 hours after she goes to bed to clean up the house, read, blog, finish up work, etc.
ReplyDeleteLately I've been feeling really blah about writing posts so I feel bad. I'm not a hugely popular blog so it's not as big a time hog as I'm sure it is for the more popular blogs.
I read all these comments and I didn't see the magic formula ;) I don't work full-time and I cannot find the time to do what I want with my blog. Just winging it for the most part.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to see what everyone else had to say. I have no idea how people do it all. I squeeze in time here and there, but weekends are pretty much set aside for family and friends, which makes it tough.
ReplyDeleteSee my pants whiz by? I fly by the seat of my pants daily... Book blogging is such a faster pace than my knitting blog. You do a great job. After a year... I have learned to just go with it... sometimes I feel I am producing posts that I love.. and other times I am flying... and sometimes it seems without pants. LOLOLOL.