Mailbox Monday (started at The Printed Page and now a traveling meme) is at chaotic compendiums this month and is the gathering place for readers to share the
books that came into their house last
week (checked out library books don’t count,
eBooks & audio books do). Warning: Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists.
Here I go complaining again but I can't get rid of this damn snowy mailbox. It's snowing right now! It sure is great reading weather though.
Last week was all about children's books and we are loving them already. There's nothing better than snuggling with the little ones and enjoying a story or two - or three! I hope you have some great reads and warm weather at your house!
*(I was having internet issues yesterday and couldn't post this so I'm doing it today.)
Lisa Loeb's Songs for Movin' & Shakin' by Lisa Loeb
For review and tour from Sterling Publishing
The Big Bad Wolf Goes on Vacation by Delphine Perret
For review from Sterling Publishing
Nighty-Night, Sleep Tight by Jennifer Berne
For review from Sterling Publishing
Itch by Simon Mayo
For review from Sterling Publishing (arc)
Twerp by Mark Goldblatt
For review from NetGalley (ebook)
The Someone Was Psychic Weekly Link Round-up
9 hours ago