(This is from Janet's page at Friday Fillins. Come join the fun!)
And...here we go!
1. If we had no winter I wouldn't be all that sad! (maybe just a little bit but how about a shorter winter here in western NY state?).
2. The situations my kids get into is a perpetual astonishment.
3. If I had my life to live over I'd do it all over again! I've been very blessed. Although, I might just tweak it a bit along the way.
4. A whole lot of stuff can happen at my house inside of four and twenty hours.
5. If you've never been thrilled you've never lived.
6. To be interested in the changing seasons is an amazing and beautiful experience.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my son's baseball game, tomorrow my plans include going to another one of my son's baseball games and Sunday, I want to take a break before going to another one of my son's baseball games Monday! I love watching him play but I need a break every now and then. (We might sneak in a visit to my brothers' homes this weekend too!)
I'm with you on #6 for sure!